Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Our teams play in eight different skill levels. We place players on the team that makes the most sense based on their individual skill level and hockey experience as well as the current needs on each of our rosters.
We ask each player interested in the Laughing Skulls to skate with us at least once. We schedule pick-up scrimmages before each season in order to give potential players that chance. At that time we will evaluate your skill and let you judge against current players.
It’s not really a tryout. We want each player who joins the Skulls to know where they fit and we want to see where we think they fit skill-wise. Just as importantly, we want everybody to have a chance to meet some of our current players and vice versa so that there are some familiar faces when you do join a team.
Yes. Usually there cannot be a change during the season. If you (and we) feel that you are in the wrong skill division we will make changes in a subsequent season. We do our best to make sure everybody is in the right place and that they are enjoying their time with the Skulls.
Generally no. The reason we have several teams is so that everybody has a place to play regardless of the deterioration (or improvement) of skills. In order to be kicked out of the Club you need to do something pretty egregious.
Cost per player is based on number of players on the roster. We divide the total team fee among all players. Typically, a fall/winter season costs between $540 and $600 per player. A spring/summer season costs between $350 and $420 per season.
Payments for league fees, jerseys or events can be made in cash, by check payable to Laughing Skulls Hockey Club or by PayPal. If you’re going to use PayPal please see the Pay My Dues link on our website ( and read the instructions on how to pay without incurring fees.
We carry a maximum of 15 full-time players plus one goalie. We also have about 3 paid subs per team and up to 8 non-paying/emergency subs per team. Subs are players from other Skulls teams that are looking for more ice time.
That depends on the team. We have two types of subs. Paid subs usually pay about half dues and are called up regularly when players can’t make it to a game. Non- paying subs are free and are called up by the team captains when there is a real shortage of players for a game.
Maybe. Our teams all have goalies but sometimes work, family, etc. mean we need to fill a full-time goalie spot. Otherwise, we maintain a fill-in goalies list for those games when our goalie can’t make the game.
Fall/Winter is typically 20 games plus playoffs. Spring/Summer is typically 15 to games plus playoffs.
The league runs 7 days per week. Games during the week start anywhere from about 7:30PM to 10:10PM. Games on weekends can start pretty much anytime after 11:30AM or as late as 10:10PM. Average is one game per week with a very varied schedule. Spring/summer season tends to have more early start times since there aren’t as many youth teams using the ice.
No problem. This is beer league hockey. Nobody can make 100% of the games. Each team has an online check-in system either in Google Drive or on so players can set attendance for each game and captains can plan appropriately.
All games are played at The Gardens Ice House in Laurel, MD.

Jersey Logo

Gear Logo

Yes. Each new player is required to buy two jerseys – one dark and one white. The total cost for jerseys is about $135 for the set. Goalie jerseys are slightly more – usually about $155 for the set. We have an optional third jersey that many of our players have bought over the years. That third jersey is typically about $55.


